Monday 25 April 2016

Tuna with soy sauce and cauliflower wasabi mash

The meatiness of the tuna makes this so satisfying, and the wasabi works really well with the cauliflower. I discovered a recipe for mashed cauliflower that used the microwave instead of steaming it and I was so happy. The weird wet and graininess went and instead you get a mash that is super delicious and really nicely textured. You can change the wasabi paste for cheese for a more regular mash, but the wasabi here worked really well with the fish to give a sophisticated, Japanese edge to the meal.

Tuna steaks with soy sauce and cauliflower wasabi mash
Soy sauce – one tablespoon per tuna steak
Rice wine vinegar – one teaspoon per tuna steak
honey – one teaspoon per tuna steak
Tuna steak
one head of cauliflower
two tablespoons of cream
one tablespoon of butter
one teaspoon  of wasabi paste
two spring onions
Mix the soy sauce, vinegar, half a chopped spring onion and honey together in a plastic bag. Add the tuna and leave in the fridge. Cut the cauliflower into florets and put in a microwaveable dish. Dab with the butter.  Mix the cream and wasabi paste together and add to the cauliflower. Microwave it on full for 5 minutes. Stir (if you wanted to use cheese instead of wasabi paste, add the cheese now). Microwave for a further 5 minutes. Blend it in a blender. Stir through the spring onion and keep warm.
Heat a non-stick pan until smoking hot. Remove the tuna from the marinade. Cook on the griddle for 2-3 mins on each side until seared on the outside, but still pink inside.

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