Monday 25 April 2016

Roasted cinnamom pears

I like desserts. And I miss cake, and ice cream, and tiramisu, and tarts - especially tarte tatin, my absolute favourite - and cherry pie and on and on.

I can have some chocolate. Small amounts of high quality chocolate hit the spot nicely, but sometimes I need a pudding.

I've now emptied my freezer. It's two and a half months into this new way of eating and the reality is, I can't go back, so I gave away the ice-cream and the leftover mince pies, and hot cross buns. The bread went too and the cakes, and sausage rolls and oven fries (I don't think I'd ever used them - surely they are just potato that has been sliced up and frozen, not sure why you'd pay for that). I'd kept a few chocolate truffles, one occasionally just finishes off a meal nicely, but I wanted a pudding. This works well. It just uses the fruit's natural sweetness and the woody notes of cinnamom work well with the pear flavour.

Core and peel the pears. Mix softened butter with cinnamom powder and smear this on the pears. Arrange in a baking tray and cook for around 15 - 20 minutes at about 200 c. Serve with greek yoghurt.

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