Tuesday 26 April 2016

Jerk Chicken

When I started this diet, the weight fell off. After around a month, or so, things got a bit harder. I found that just eating as much as I wanted of everything, as long as it is low GI, wasn't totally the way to go. Cheese, cream, pork belly, are all fine, GI wise, but obviously not great, either calorie wise, nor for the heart. Now, don't get me wrong, I wasn't eating slabs of cheese every day, but simply wanting less food as I was virtually never hungry has stopped being effective enough to get the weight off. At the beginning, weight loss wasn't my primary objective (although it was also decidedly important), but the weight came off anyway. Having got this far, I really wanted to continue, so I decided to at least start to think about the calories I was taking in too. Chicken is great for helping along the weightloss. Full of protein, wonderful from a GI perspective, and this particular recipe is so full of flavour, works great hot or cold and can be cooked just in the oven if you don't want to fire up the barbecue.

Put a tablespoon of peppercorns and a tablespoon of all spice berries in a pestle and mortar and pound them together. Add to this mixture half a teaspoon each of cinnamon and nutmeg, four or five spring onions and chilli to taste (I like to use the bigger chillies so that the flavour gets evenly distributed, or chilli powder for the same reason). Put everything in a blender and whizz it up to a paste. Stir in a tablespoon of soft brown sugar, two tablespoons of soy sauce, a teaspoon of salt and the juice of a couple of big limes.
Put some chicken drumsticks in a clean plastic bag or a tupperware box with the marinade and shake well and often to keep them coated. Ideally leave in the fridge overnight, but a few hours will do if you don't have time.
You can barbeque them, but I personally prefer to cook them in the oven to ensure they are cooked evenly and then transfer to a barbecue for a few minutes to give them a final smoky taste. Delicious hot and cold. Great for parties. Great for snacks, straight from the fridge too.

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