Sunday 24 April 2016

Poached eggs

I find that eggs fill me up well and so I don't want to eat for a while. The key to the perfect poached eggs is to get the eggs really really fresh.

To make sure the egg is fresh, I put it in a bowl of water.  It should lie flat. When you break it the white (or at least most of it) should form a circle. If it's just watery, you won't be able to use it to poach eggs in this way. Before you start cooking, break the egg into a small bowl.

I start this meal by snapping the asparagus. The idea is to be able to cook the tender part, leaving behind any tougher ends. Plunge it into boiling water for around five minutes. When it's nearly done, put a steamer above with the spinach. This will only need 30 seconds or so - it just needs to wilt. Arrange on a plate.

Boil the water for the egg. You want a pan that isn't too big. Add a teaspoon of vinegar - I use white wine vinegar. This helps the egg to hold together. You can add salt too, if you like, though I prefer to add it after cooking.

When it's simmering, swirl the water round fast until the middle drops down. Pour in the egg and leave to cook for around a minute, then check if it's ready by carefully lifting it out with a wooden spoon. Once the white is cooked, but the yolk is still runny, lift it onto the veggies, sprinkle with chopped spring onions, and eat immediately.

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