Sunday 24 April 2016

Fragrant Chicken Soup

I have found that with all the protein I'm eating, and so little in the way of carbs, the amount I want to eat has gone right down.

Soup is a great option as it makes a great lunch and most will keep well, both in the fridge and frozen.

With fragrant chicken soup, the amazing flavours stayed with me, and the chick peas make it filling long after eating, and made it not so hard to go without bread. This isn't such a problem for me now, but when I was first changing my eating habits, these little things made all the difference. It's amazing how quickly it became a habit.

Roast some tomatoes in the oven for an hour, or so (if life is too short, use tinned tomatoes).
Make a stock from dried mushrooms, bayleaves, peppercorns, maybe some celery and an onion, with drinking water. Saute, or boil in half a cup of water, one chopped onion. Add half a teaspoon of: salt, cinnamom, turmeric, paprika, ginger powder, nutmeg and ground pepper. Separately saute (or boil up) one chicken breast cut into bitesized pieces. Add squished tomatoes, chopped leeks, chicken and chickpeas. Boil for 10 minutes and sprinkle with coriander before serving.

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