Sunday 24 April 2016

Aubergine with spicy peanut sauce

For this one, I used a barbecue, but you can cook the aubergine (eggplant) in the oven or directly on the gas. Peanuts and other nuts are great to include every day as they stave off the hunger, whilst providing a protein hit so I have been keeping them around to snack on. 

For this I chargrilled the aubergine on a barbecue then carefully peeled off the blackened skin.
For the sauce, I roasted a generous handful of peanuts, and pounded them with sesame oil, a dried chilli (just one, but to taste), garlic, the juice of one lime, and salt. You can add roasted tomatoes if you wish, they add a depth to the sauce. Cook the peanut mix with some drinking water to make a pourable sauce and pour over the aubergine. Scatter with herbs - parsley, coriander or spring onions  work well.

This is great served cold so another fabulous dish to have in the fridge. Use it as a side dish, a snack, a light meal, in a salad. 

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