Sunday 24 April 2016

Roasted cauliflower

Cauliflower has been a total saviour. From mashed to roasted, if you work with it's funky taste, it makes an amazing dish that I have been amazed to find totally addictive. Going back to the fridge for more and more and just a little more.

In this recipe I roasted it, shwarma style. The tahini - a sesame paste chocked full of protein and low on the GI scale, finishes it off perfectly.

Par boil the cauliflower for around 6 minutes. Meanwhile mix room temperature butter with a pinch of cumin, cardomom, nutmeg, allspice and cinnamon.
Remove the caulifllower from the boiling water and place on a baking tray. Coat with the butter (getting it in between the florets if possible) and put in the oven for around 30 minutes (or on a barbecue if you prefer). Meanwhile mix tahini, olive oil, and some ice water, till it can be poured.
Roast some pine nuts, chop up some spring onions, deseed a pomegranite. When the cauliiflower is done, pour over the tahini mix, sprinkle with the other ingredients and serve. It's also delicious in a salad.


  1. Mmmmm. :) Loving these recipes. I'm trying to lose some weight buy cutting out carbs, but will give a couple of these a go. x

    1. Great. These are all very low on bad carbs. I've lost 21 kilos since February eating these. Totally addicted to both cauliflower and houmous now.
