Tuesday 26 April 2016

Mushroom and walnut soup

This soup is equally good hot and cold so I make extra and keep it in the fridge. It is very low GI and filling so makes a great lunch.

The ingredients you'll need, as well as the mushrooms and walnuts, are, dried mushrooms, an onion, some butter, yoghurt (or milk), cream (you could use yoghurt if you prefer), dry sherry (this makes a big difference to the flavour and adds real depth, but you could, of course, substitute it or leave it out if you want, black pepper and a little parsley for a garnish if you have it.

Make a stock using dried mushrooms, onions, peppercorns and, if you like, some celery. Dry fry some walnuts. Pick out a couple for garnish and put to one side. Chop up the onions and gently fry them in a little olive oil. Put to one side. Slice the mushrooms and fry these in butter, with a little oil added to stop the butter from burning. Pick out a couple of slices to use as garnish and put the rest in a blender along with the onions, dried mushrooms that made up the stock, a dollop of yoghurt and a little stock. Keep adding stock until the soup is the right consistency for you. Once this happens, reheat it (if you want it hot) and serve with the mushroom slices, walnuts and a drizzle of cream.

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