Wednesday 27 April 2016

Fish with capers and olives

I guess it's all the protein but I'm finding I'm eating less and less. I want meals that are lighter and smaller. And the weirdest thing of all is that I'm forgetting to eat. This has never happened to me before. Ever. And now most days I have to remind myself. I'm just not hungry.

 I tried just not eating, but then wanted to snack on chocolate later. Chocolate is low GI, but I am no longer fooling myself that it can therefore be eaten as and when I want. A small piece some days is fine. More than that and I notice the difference in my blood sugar the next day. I totally pigged out on chocolate truffles the other day after missing lunch (I had five) and the following day my blood sugar was at the highest end of ok, whereas it's been at the lower end for most of this diet.

So light meals have become key. I love this fish, served with some steamed veggies as, although it is packed with flavours. I have found I'm eating lots of capers and olives now and I'm buying limes, a kilo at a time.

To make this, either fillet a fish, or use ready filleted. Skin on or off, up to you. Line a steamer with ginger slices, top with the fish and cover with lime or lemon slices. It'll only take about 5 minutes till it's cooked, but this will vary according to how thick the fish is. In a separate pan add chopped up olives, capers, and cook gently in their own juices until warm. Stir in chopped spring (green) onions and generously cover the fish with this mixture on the plate. Include some lime slices too. I prefer this hot, but it is good cold too.

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