Tuesday 4 October 2016

Stoneground dark rye soda bread

Sandwiches, marmite on toast, anything on toast, buns, burgers, chapatis, nan, and a host of others. I miss them. I haven't had too many problems cutting out rice, pasta is ok, potatoes, well I miss, but I'm managing, but bread. I love bread. I miss bread. I always knew I wasn't going to cut bread out for life - it's got to be a lifestyle change and one I can live with long long long term, so this week I finally cracked and decided to experiment with bread.
Bread isn't all the same, GI wise. A baguette is horrendous with GI readings up in the 90s, white and even wholemeal are better, but not necessarily by much. Course barley kernal bread is really low, but I can't source the ingredients for that one. Wholegrain bread, pumpernickel and rye bread have a relatively low GI, so this seemed to be the way to go. And cramming it with low GI nuts and seeds would reduce it further. Stone ground seems to be the best processing to keep the GI low, so I wanted to use that too.
First I bought some pumpernickel. Seemed fairly low GI as bread goes. I wasn't familiar with it and it was frighteningly expensive, but, hey, I only planned to have it as an occasional treat.
Yeah, turns out pumpernickel isn't my thing. Not at all.
Back to the drawing board.
First the flour. I had some stoneground dark rye flour so decided to start with this.
I added nuts and seeds, and made a batch of soda bread buns which I then froze individually. I'm allowing myself one a week to satisfy those marmite cravings.

450g stoneground dark rye flour
450ml milk
Juice one lime
2 tablespoons whole almonds
2 tablespoons sliced almonds
1 tablespoon sunflower seeds
1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds
2 tablespoons steel cut oats
1 teaspoon poppy seeds
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
Half teaspoon salt
1 level teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 teaspoon honey

Preheat the oven to 200C.
Mix the milk and the lime juice together and leave to stand for ten minutes. It'll curdle. That's fine.
Add the honey and stir well.
Mix the dry ingredients together.
Add the milk mix and stir to form a dough.
Make into buns, or a loaf and arrange, with a little space around on a floured baking tray.
Bake for around 15 - 20 minutes (buns) or around 30 minutes for a loaf (it'll sound hollow when tapped when it is ready).
Serve hot, cold, freeze, toast, enjoy.

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