Sunday 9 October 2016

Chocolate mousse with ginger berries (egg free)

High cocoa chocolate is fairly low GI, so using a dark chocolate, and not adding extra sugar makes this a great low GI dessert. Berries are low on the GI scale too.
I love desserts! Especially this one.
Not using eggs means that this can be safely made when pasturised eggs aren''t available.

100 grams dark chocolate - ideally 70 - 80 %
200 ml double cream
Pinch salt
A handful of mixed frozen berries (we used blueberries, strawberries and blackberries)
half teaspoon finely grated (or chopped) ginger
generous pinch ground ginger

Put some water on to boil and break the chocolate into a pyrex dish with a lip that allows it to fit over the boiling water, while steam can escape.

Once the water is boiling, turn down to a simmer and put the broken chocolate dish over the water, taking care that the bowl doesn't touch the water.

Warm the  cream and salt, taking it just below boiling point.

When the chocolate is melted (and take care with this, if you leave it too long, it'll spoil), pour in the cream and mix thoroughly. If you are too slow with this, you'll end up with lumps of solid chocolate in with the mousse - I can think of worse problems!

Leave to set. Ideally overnight or for around 4 hours.

Meanwhile, gently heat the fruit with the ginger until it breaks down.

Pass the fruit through a sieve, if you want.

Serve with the mousse and some cream.

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