Sunday 9 October 2016


40 grams steel cut oats
2 tablespoons honey
150 grams frozen raspberries (fresh if possible, but...)
2 tablespoons Scottish whisky
250 ml cream

Heat the oats and one teaspoon of the honey in a frying pan until toasted.

Spread on baking paper and leave to cool.
Defrost the raspberries and pick out some whole ones for the top.
Puree half the remaining fruit.
Whip the cream until it's thick.
Mix the whisky with the remaining honey and stir through the cream.
Break up the oats and stir this through the cream.
Stir together the pureed fruit and the other half of the fruit (but not the whole berries you have set aside) an stir this lightly through the cream, leaving streaks of colour.
Serve in wine glasses with the whole fruit on top.
Eat the same day.

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