Thursday 27 October 2016

Cheesy creamy mushroomy eggs en cocotte

These are easy, impressive, and both delicious and filling.

Ingredients - per person
100 grams mushrooms
2 dried mushrooms, soaked in very hot water for 20 minutes
One clove garlic, finely diced
One very fresh egg
One tablespoon cream
A sprinkling cheddar cheese
Two teaspoons butter

Preheat the oven (to around 180C).
Chop the mushrooms finely. 
Melt 1 teaspoon of butter and cook the garlic. Next add the mushrooms. Season. Cook gently until all liquid has gone.
Add half the cream.
Grease the dish with the rest of the butter and add the mushrooms.

Make a dent in the mushrooms and pour in the egg.

Pour cream over and sprinkle with cheese.

Half fill a baking tray with water and add the dishes. Cook for around 15 minutes until the cooked. Ideally serve immediately, though I was surprised to realise it works well cold and microwaves well (though the yolk may harden!)

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