Thursday 27 October 2016

Bacon, tomatoes and poached eggs

Simple and delicious!

First cook the tomatoes. We used cherry tomatoes that we had halved, but you can cook them whole and squash them. They are going to go under the egg for when the yolk spills out so you want plenty. It doesn't matter if they are warm or not - either way tastes good.
Put some water on to boil.
Next cook the bacon in it's own fat. If the quality isn't good, it may have been pumped with water, which will need draining, but most bacon here is great quality done by local butchers who care! How crispy you want your bacon is a personal thing!
Add a spoon of vinegar to the water. This helps to hold the white together.
When the water is boiling, turn it down to a simmer and use a spoon to stir it fast until it spins on it's own. Pour an egg into the centre. Allow to cook until the white is held together then turn the gas off. Use a slotted spoon to pick it up carefully and check that the white is cooked. Ideally you want the white completely done and the yolk still runny.
Serve immediately on the tomatoes with the bacon on the side.

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