Thursday 8 September 2016

Tomato and okra stew

Okra, if it's not prepared well (cooked for long enough) is slimy and disgusting. Cooked well, it is wonderful and so easy to grow your own.
I love it with tomatoes, cooked for at least 20 minutes till the weird slime goes and you are left with deliciousness.

A generous handful of okra, topped and tailed and sliced into half centimetre discs
10 tomatoes, peeled and core removed.
1 can tomatoes
2 onions
4 cloves garlic
Salt and pepper to taste.

Sweat the onions and garlic
Add the okra
Chop up the tomatoes and add them.
 Season and simmer for around 20 minutes. 
Great hot and cold and freezes well.

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