Friday 16 September 2016

Berry smoothie

A great low GI way to start a day. We made a few variations on the theme

1 The sweetener
Half small banana (not too ripe - the riper it is, the higher the GI)
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon soft brown sugar
Vanilla essence - it doesn't actually sweeten it, but because vanilla is such a savory taste, it seems to do so.

2 The fruit
Berries are reasonably low GI so we experimented with variety of berries

The liquid
We tried milk, almond milk, yoghurt and cream, plus variations on them. Hazlenut milk works well too. The milk and the almond milk were better with the banana, the others with the honey, etc.

We blended the ingredients, sometimes adding mint leaves, or chopped almonds.

The fruit:
A handful of raspberries


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