Thursday 8 September 2016

Steamed fish with okra and tomato stew

Seven months on from my diabetes diagnosis, I can genuinely say that I believe that getting diabetes was probably one of the better things that has happened to me. I was on a ridiculous path and getting the shock of being diagnosed with diabetes seems to have given me the shock I needed. 
So far I've lost 34 kilos (long way still to go but this is a great start!), feel more energetic - losing 34 kilos does that to a girl!, and I've got my spark back. It feels great. Of course it would have been better to have happened without getting diabetes, but I guess that wasn't to be. 
In the few months since the diagnosis, I've eaten virtually no flour, rice, cooked root veggies, sweetcorn, pumpkin, fruit juice, mixers, or tropical fruit. Some of these are low GL, though high GI, but as I've not been having them, I'm more than happy to continue leaving them out of what I eat, after all - I'm losing an average of over 0.8 kilos a week at present and that suits me just fine.

This dish is lovely. A lot of low GI food is high fat, which helps keep hunger at bay, but this is low fat, low carb, and hits all the right buttons. Just cook the okra for at least 20 minutes or it will be weird and slimy!

First make the tomato and okra stew.
Steam the fish fillets over boiling water for around 10 - 15 minutes, depending on how thick they are.
Serve with chopped spring onions sprinkled over.

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