Friday 16 September 2016

Garlic butter

 This keeps well in the freezer - you can even fill an ice cube tray though I prefer to make a sausage shape and slice it. It's worth making extra and then you have it whenever you want.

The ingredients for this are butter, garlic - ideally roasted in advance to bring out the sweetness, parsley, salt and pepper. You can vary these for interest - maybe add cumin or mustard seeds, some nutmeg or ground cardomom, swap the parsley for coriander or rosemary or thyme, add extra pepper and some chilli, some sundried tomatoes, capers or olives, maybe.
The proportions are very much an individual taste.

The butter shouldn't be too cold.

Mix all the ingredients together in a bag.


Squash together till it's well mixed.


Put on some cling film.

Roll tightly.

 Put in the fridge for 2 hours. Slice into rounds to use now or freeze for later. Alternatively, freeze the whole 'sausage'.

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