Thursday 18 August 2016

Tuna steaks with pickled veggies

The proof of the pudding is said to be in the eating. I am now 6 months into my low GI eating plan and I have just had some blood tests.
As well as having lost a little over 30 kilos, my glucose levels have dropped from 130 to 98 (with the safe range being 75 - 115), my long term glucose levels are now down from 6.83 to a little under 6 (with the ideal being under 6.5) and I have energy and a renewed zest for life.
I am loving this way of cooking and eating. I really wish I'd understood it years ago.

1 tuna steak
1teaspoon soy
1teaspoon teriyaki
Half teaspoon sesame oil
1tablespoon regular oil
2 spring onions chopped finely
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
1 teaspoon black pepper corns

Mix all the ingredients, except the tuna steaks together, pour into a plastic bag. Add the tuna. Leave to marinate, ideally overnight.

Put the tuna on a hot pan. Leave till you can see it's cooked at least half a centimetre before turning. 

Repeat and serve pickled veggies

I like my tuna cooked through, many prefer it pink. It is very easy to see how far though it has cooked so remove when it is right for you.

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