Thursday 11 August 2016

Skinny pepper and tomato omelette

So far, in six months of eating low GI food, I've lost 70lbs, which is 5 stone or about 32 kilos. I still have a long way to go, but as this weight loss has been a wonderful side effect of eating low GI, rather than the reason, it's wonderful. I haven't been hungry and, although I've had some cravings, none have been satisfied because I feel full the whole time so my cravings are easy to ignore as I'd like a ..... (insert this week's craving) but when I'm hungry. Not now. And this has made it super easy. Add to that the constant feeling of fullness and the resulting tiny appetite and the weight just drops off. 

I haven't really gone in for much 'diet food' so far, as the smaller portions, combined with the restriction I've put on myself of no flour, rice, cooked root veggies, etc. seems to cover enough, but this is good for someone who wants 'diet food'. This omelette uses a smear of oil and is mainly egg white, instead of the whole egg.

The peppers and tomatoes are roasted - either on the barbecue, or in the oven, without oil, which brings out the flavour beautifully.


5 egg whites
2 egg yolks
one red pepper, roasted, skin and seeds removed and chopped up
two tomatoes, roasted, skin and seeds removed and chopped up
2 spring onions, finely chopped
a smear of oil for the pan

Whip up the egg whites

Add the egg yolks

Get the pan hot and smear with oil

Pour in the eggs

Sprinkle over the spring onions

And the peppers

And the tomatoes

Turn the heat down low and allow to cook very slowly.

After about five minutes the omelette should have puffed up and it should be easy to lift it away from the pan.

Fold the omelette in half.

Cook for a minute or two longer and serve.

Eat immediately.

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