Saturday 6 August 2016

Blackberry Fool

One of the things I found hardest when I started the low GI eating style was desserts. I adore tiramisus and tarts, mousses and panna cottas. Once I'd stopped eating so much sugar though, everything started to taste sweeter than before, so desserts sweetened with fruit, or using vanilla essence tasted so much better than very sweet creations. Berries are one of the best low GI fruits around, so desserts crammed with berries, like this one, really help. You can, of course, add some sugar if you prefer - a little brown sugar, maybe.
The first time I made this, I didn't use yoghurt or lime juice and the result was a little dull. The sharpness it adds is wonderful.

2 cups frozen blackberries (or any other berries you fancy - but if they are sharp, don't use lime)
2 cups cream
1 cup greek yoghurt - or labneh (recipe for labneh)
juice of one small lime
1 teaspoon pure vanilla essence

Put aside 4 berries.
Strain the rest through a sieve till you have a seedless pulp.
Add the lime juice.
Whip the cream with the vanilla essence.
Fold in the yoghurt.
Slowly stir through the fruit and spoon into bowls. 
It's good to eat immediately but keeps well for a day or two.

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