Saturday 6 August 2016

Cheesy courgette frittata

This can be prepared in advance and served cold in slices, so it's an easy breakfast option.

You will need a pan that is also oven proof. The quantity of the ingredients will need to be modified according to the size of your pan.

3 eggs
100 grams cheese
one courgette
salt, pepper, oil

Preheat the oven to around 160c.
Thinly slice the courgettes and fry them in butter.

Discard the butter. Wipe the pan with some oil, return the courgette slices to the pan.
Add a handful of cheese

Whip up the eggs

Add these to the pan

Sprinkle over the rest of the cheese.

Cook for around 5 minutes over a low heat

Then transfer to the oven for around 10 minutes until the egg is cooked.

Either serve immediately or allow to cool, then slice.

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