Thursday 5 May 2016

Fish with lemon and dill lentils and carrot and orange salad

This is packed with protein and flavours. The salad works really well with the lemon and dill lentils too.

First cook the lentils.They don't take too long - a cupful of lentils, some chopped onions, maybe some celery, again finely chopped, boiled up in some simple vegetable stock. Bring it to the boil then simmer for around 25 - 30 minutes until the lentils are tender.

Meanwhile line a steamer with thinly sliced ginger. Place fish fillets on top and squeeze some lime over them. Throw in the squeezed lime and cover and cook over boiling water for around 15 - 20 minutes.

In a bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of yoghurt with one of cream. Squeeze in a lime, a little at a time, mixing well and quickly to make sure it doesn't curdle. Chop some dill and stir this in. Add the lentils and pour the mixture on to a plate. Use a fish slice to put the fish on top.

For the carrot salad, grate some carrot and squeeze over half an orange. Stir in a generous pinch of cinnamon, some black pepper and some chopped coriander. Peel some oranges, removing as much of the skin as possible. Toss these in and serve with the fish.

Capers also work very well added to either the lentils or the salad.

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