Thursday 5 May 2016

Bacon and Mushroom Frittata

 One of the reason I think I'm losing so much weight on this diet is that I'm full, most of the time. I eat a protein rich breakfast and have to remind myself to eat lunch, which is a new experience of me. Most days I have a just ripe banana (they get sweeter and higher GI the riper they are) with yoghurt and almonds and it really fills me up. Eggs are another great breakfast option, and this frittata is filling and delicious. It can be eaten hot or cold and you can play around with the ingredients. Many recipes call for a cup of milk to six eggs, but I prefer it without the milk. You can either make this in an ovenproof frying pan and finish it off in the oven, or, as we did, in a small frying pan and flip it into another frying pan for the last few minutes of cooking.

Snip and then fry some bacon in two pans. When done (I like it crispy but as you prefer) use the oil to cook some sliced mushrooms and spring onions. Add the bacon to this and then the egg which has been whisked until it was light and fluffy (for a very fluffy option, you can whisk the whites, then fold in the yolks). Leave it cooking for a couple of minutes without touching the pan, then reduce the heat. Run a spatula round the pan and then flip it into a hot, oiled pan of the same size to finish the cooking.

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