Wednesday 23 November 2016

Caesar Salad

This salad, simply leaves and dressing, is so good. Of course you can add grilled chicken, avocado, olives, capers, and so on, but it stands so wonderfully well on it's own. Traditionally it's made with raw egg yolks, but as I'm wary of using those, I substitute them for the yolks of hard boiled eggs. I don't personally think that it makes a huge difference to the taste, but it definitely makes me happier to eat the salad. It also contains croutons, and these could easily be substituted with, say, roasted almonds, but they aren't a huge part of the salad, volume wise, and by the time they have been toasted with olive oil, they aren't going to have a huge impact on the GI, so I use them. But then have to resist the temptation to eat the rest of the bread!

For the dressing:
2 cloves of garlic
6 anchovies
2 tablespoons lime juice
1.5 tablespoons smooth dijon mustard
The yolks of two hard boiled eggs
Half a cup of olive oil
Half a cup of grated parmesan cheese

For the croutons:
1 teaspoon rosemary
1 teaspoon thyme
4 garlic cloves
3 tablespoons olive oil
Fresh bread

The heart of several romaine lettuces
Shavings of parmesan

Mix the dressing ingredients in a blender.
For the croutons, preheat the oven to 200C.
Chop the rosemary and thyme into tiny pieces and add to a jar with the pepper, finely chopped garlic, and olive oil. Shake vigorously.
Slice the bread then tear into tiny pieces.
Pour the oil mix over the bread and mix well to coat.
Scatter into a roasting tin and put in the oven for about 10 minutes till crispy.
Put the whole lettuce leaves in a bowl. Pour over the dressing. Mix gently with your hands.
Arrange on a plate. Scatter the croutons over and finish with the parmesan shavings.

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