Thursday 2 June 2016

Chicken fusion salad

I was delighted to realise recently that vermicelli noodles weren't made with rice as I had always assumed but with mung beans, and so they are back on the menu. 

This salad is really straightforward. 
You will need:
A chicken breast
2 small packs of rice noodles
a generous handful of coriander - chopped up
Some thin slivers of red pepper
a couple of handfuls of beansprouts
10 spring onions chopped up
juice of 4 limes
If you wish, some sweet chilli dipping sauce or a spoon of honey and a chilli pepper, chopped into tiny pieces.

Boil up some chicken until it's cooked through and leave to cool (I also love this salad without the chicken, or with prawns, fish or smoked salmon).
Cook the vermicelli in boiling water for a couple of minutes until cooked and leave to cool.
If using the honey, mix the honey, lime and chilli.
Strain the noodles well then chop them up
Shred the chicken breast.
Toss all the ingredients together and serve.

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